health coaching

Health Coaching and Senior Care

Coaching is an important way to encourage people to grow. Coaching is a support, encouragement and affirmation of human abilities. Its essence is to develop the skills to achieve the goals that one desires to reach. Thus, coaching helps people understand that constructive change creates emotionally intelligent people who seek to improve their quality of life and ability to overcome problems.

Coaching is available in a variety of fields. One of the coaching methods is health coaching that helps the person to achieve the set of health goals and this promotes health, such as changing behavior and lifestyle to reduce health risks and improve quality of life. It helps patients find the motivation to start and maintain change and identify the factors that contribute to achieving it.

Every year a very large number of people reach old age, so the aging of the world's population is a very important issue, because it challenges public health. Therefore, anything that has a positive effect on the quality of life of this age group and delays chronic disease and effective management of diseases and disabilities in the elderly is important.

A health coach teaches seniors about healthy lifestyles, diet and overall well-being. Health coaches work with older people and groups to facilitate and empower them to achieve their health-related goals.

Health coaches are not psychologists or psychotherapists. They do not prescribe any therapies, or offer psychological therapies. They may be able to provide expert guidance in some areas with active national credential and they may provide sources from well-known authorities but offer no medical or pharmacological treatment.

Health coaches, as sponsors, support the elderly in achieving their health goals and changing their health habits based on their own goals and in accordance with the treatment programs prescribed for them by the medical professionals, support and encourage the elderly to implement them.

According to studies conducted on a number of elderly people, the results were as follows: Elderly people who were associated with a health coach had positive results, with significant improvements in quality of life (mental and physical), health status, self-efficacy and increased immunity. Although health coaching is a very new topic all over the world, based on the results, health coaching has proven to be an effective way for seniors to do their best to achieve their health goals and plans.